Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 52--Happy New Year

For the past three years, I have been making a New Year's card based on the Chinese Zodiac. The original reason that I started making these cards was that I didn't have time to send out handmade Christmas cards one year because I had too many commissions. Rather than not send out anything or sending out belated holiday cards, I decided to send out cards that celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year. This gave me an extra couple of weeks to make and send out cards.

Now, I send out separate cards to people on my list for both occasions--holidays and New Year. Obviously, 2014 is The Year of the Horse.

On the inside of the card, I will provide a short history and explanation of the characteristics of this sign.

This completes this year's series of 52 cards in the Card a Week series. Please click the label WeeklyCard to view all cards in this series.

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