Thursday, January 29, 2015

Monthly Projects--Update

Doodle Book
(waiting to be filled)

Today, I wanted to share with you one of my new monthly projects for 2015. Continuing the doodling project from last year (the 365 Envelope Project) I decided to do one doodle project per month. Each month, I will make a large accordion book (12 pages/surfaces). Once it is complete, I will bind each into its own case. Each month, I will also create a separate portfolio to carry the unmounted sheets as a protective device that will allow me to carry the doodle along with me.

The  beauty of this structure is that it allows you to play with the size of the doodle in that you can do one doodle per page, a two page spread, a four page spread, etc. As the year goes along, I hope to make larger books to allow for a super-doodle.

I am already behind but I hope to catch up in February. 

Protective Portfolio

To make a larger book, all you have to so is seam pages together until you get the length/size that you want. To get to the 12 pages, I simply glue two sections together using a one inch tab.

Two sections glued together

I hope that you follow along with the progress.

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