I knew that we would probably to an Easter based project but when I read that the most requested repeat challenge from last year was the Peeps challenge, I was floored.
After picking myself up from the dust covered floor, I decided that I would do a project based on Peeps. I thought about cooking a cake and decorating it like a Peep. Then, I thought about doing a felt Peep hand puppet but Captain Kangaroo already had a bunny puppet. So, I reached back into my comfortable bag of tricks and took out some pastel colored computer paper.
Here is what came out--a yellow bunny Peep.

One thing led to another and there appeared more Peeps but in different colors:

I had all of these bunny Peeps and they seemed to be multiplying:

So, I had to do something with them--
how about Bunny Peep PostIt notes!
I think they are darling.
That's fab! Love that idea!
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