I thought--I can make something like that (but without the coin counter). So I decided to make a desk valet to hold my keys and watch etc. The box is made from a double constructed lid that fits on a regular tray bottom. What that means is that you created a regular lid top and then add a second set of walls where the new walls are taller than the original lid. The purpose for this is to add depth to the lid so you can include dividers for the upper tray.

Here is the completed box. I used a German marbled paper for the lid with black velvet liners (like the original box). The original lid fits the bottom tray and has sides that are 1.5 inches in height. The second set of walls is made of sides that are 3 inches in height which then allows for dividers that are 1.5 inches in height. The bottom of the box is covered in book cloth.

Here you can see the velvet liners in the lid. I decided to line the interior of the bottom with the same marbled paper that I used for the top.

Here is the box in use. The coins will actually go in the box bottom and my cell phone will go in the slot where the coins are now. I had to use my phone to take the picture or I would have put it in the photo.
If I do another one of the these, I will cut a whole in the middle slot so that the change can drop into the bottom part of the box.
The idea of a slot to catch change is really good, so its an organizer & a bank
I love that paper!
We'd been avoiding buying a charging station for a while because they were so expensive. I'd thought about making one, but we found one at Goodwill before I got around to it.
Thank you for the compliment on my stamp carvings! I can easily return the compliment and say, your box construction is superb! I don't have the patience for that! Perhaps we should trade? I'll carve you a stamp and you make me a box? LOL
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