A couple of people have asked for a tutorial about my single flower boutonniere. So here it it.
Wire cutters--don't use your scissors (even though they would work) because you can gouge your blade.
Pre-cut floral wire. These usually come in a pack.
Floral Shears (to cut your flowers). While kitchen shears can do the trick, get a nice pair of shears. Some of woody stems are easier to cut.
Green Floral tape.
All of these materials are readily available. While I got mine at a floral supply store, you can order them through Amazon or go to Michaels.
Tools. |
Step One:
Bend the floral wire in half and cut. Try to get both lengths as close to the same as possible but it isn't a deal breaker.
Preparing the wire |
Step Two:
Prepare the flower. Cut about 1.5 inches from the bottom of the blossom you are using. It is best to use a flower with a bulb bottom but any strong stemmed flower should work.
Remove the outer petals until you have a pleasing looking bud. You want a tight bud. You can remove the bud petals if you prefer (I do).
Petals Removed |
Tight Bud |
Leaves removed; 1.5 " stem |
Step Three: Wire the Flower
The purpose of wiring the flower is so that the bud doesn't separate from the stem. This is important when hugging the wearer is involved. It is easy to crush the flower when hugging is involved and the flower can separate from the stem after repeated crushing.
Take one wire and pierce the bottom of the bud/top of the stem. Take the second wire and repeat but at a 90 degree angle. The cross wires should look like a cross. Fold the wires straight down the stem.
Wire one |
Wire Two |
Fold Down |
Wired Flower |
Step Four: Wrap the wires with tape. Unroll a length of the tape and place it behind the flower. Pick the best side of the flower and start on the opposite side. If you left the flower leaves, be sure to start your taping under the leaves and be careful not to tape the leaves down. As you slightly pull the tape, rotate the stem and spiral the tape down the stem/wires until they are all covered.
Starting the taping |
Taping Finished |
NB: If you want to add additional material, wrap the stem section of the main flower. Add the additional material and repeat the process from the top of the flower and include the additional material. Wrap the entire length of the stem/wire.
Step Five: Embellishments
Since the flower is so simple, I have added an additional feature by curling the bottom portion of the wire stem. Simply take a round object (here I used an Exacto holder but you can use a pencil). The object needs to be round, though. Take the end of the wired stem and wrap it around the object and continue to wind the stem until it reaches the the bottom of the flower stem (where you cut the flower from the stem). The turns should be next to each other on the rounding tool for the most pleasing effect.
Beginning the turning |
Second Turn |
Finished Project |
I usually provide two corsage pins with the boutonniere. You only really need one but a second pin really secures the flower and helps keep it in place when the person is continually putting on a jacket.