Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Iron Craft 2014 Challenge #16--Abominable Snowman Book (Project 32)

I see you--but what is it?
For this challenge, we received a color challenge. White was our inspiration. I knew what I wanted to do but I didn't know if I had the time to get it done since there was a lot of practice that I needed to do before I attempted the project.

I have been wanting to make a Monster Book for quite a while. But in order to work out the logistics, I had to practice on working with fur again. I tried in 2008 and described the process here.

Once I understood how to work with the fur, I needed to review how to sew the Coptic Stitch binding technique. In 2009, I shared the technique here and here. Once I reviewed the sewing pattern, I was ready to go with my Abominable Snowman Book (in homage to the Christmas cartoon, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer).

Here is the opened book on it's side

Five signatures and
front and back covers
Here is the book opened flat:

Opened book
The beauty of the Coptic Stitch bookbinding technique is that it allows the book to lay completed open without breaking the spine (since it has an exposed spine).

Here is my favorite view of the book: Opened Up and resting on it's edge.

Overall, I am very happy with the way that it turned out. I have some minor tweeking to do but I will definitely have these for sale for the holidays and on my Etsy shop.


  1. Oh my gosh, that is fabulous! It makes me think of the monster book in Harry Potter. You are so talented.

  2. This ROCKS! Love it Russ! Great job!

  3. Thanks everyone. It was a really fun project. At Kat, I had forgotten about the Harry Potter Monster book. It was inspired by the scene in Rudolph where the Snowman climbs up the cliff and his eyes peep over the edge.

    At Lisa, I always appreciate your support and kind words.
