I am sorry for the delay in making this post but I had to do some deep soul searching before I wanted to put this out to the world. Here are my resolutions--in no particular order (and with some explanation):
- Similar to doing the 31 days of Halloween, this year I want to do a 31 Days of Christmas. I don't quite know how I will organize it but will work out those logistics later.
- Several years ago, I designed a Advent project for Kat's Advent project. Of course, life and commissions got in the way. This year, I would like to complete that project.
- I would like to continue to post craft entries Monday through Friday, without fail.
- I would like to complete a craft a day project and share it with people. I have chosen to complete a decorated envelope per day and to post it to my Flikr account (DrRuss2011) and my blog. Here is the summary of challenge that I completed last year. This year, I will continue the challenge but only decorate the front side of the envelope.
- I have chosen to participate in Iron Craft 2014. I postponed my decision to participate because for the 2013 Challenge, I was able to complete all 26 challenges. I just don't want to feel like a failure if I don't complete all of the challenges for 2014. There is no pressure other than the pressure that I put on myself. I have really enjoyed getting to know the people that have participated and that was the factor that tipped the balance to continue in 2014.
- Take more art classes. I enjoy taking classes at The Center for Book Arts in NYC and will try and save up some money to add a couple of weekend classes.
- Take a dance class. I never really took dance classes when I was growing up and felt too awkward to take them when I was an adult. This year, I finally realized my reticence--I could not stand to look in the mirror at myself. I might actually take a HipHop class at the Broadway Dance Center.
- Print more. I want to use my Print Gocco more this year or at least screen printing or letterpress.
- I want to make more postcards this year. These could be doodle cards like the envelopes or printed postcards. I have always loved sending a quick postcard to people.
- I want to write more letters/postcards. I want to be primarily responsible for the recover of the USPS financial woes by sending out more mail.
- I want to take steps this year to becoming proficient in a foreign language. I have languished too much regarding this matter. I have always romanticized about learning Japanese but didn't want to take the steps to do so because I would have too few people to practice conversation. I might just learn Spanish because I have a basic understanding of how the language works and there are plenty of people to help me learn in NYC.
- I want to be a little more selfish and take time off for myself.
- I also want to take more road trips. Just rent a car and go.
- I want to start and make larger projects--probably mixed media projects involving paint, transfers, paper and collage.
- I want to continue making my paper tissue flowers and transform them in shadow box art.
- I also want to continue my tissue paper painting.
- I want to sell more items in my Etsy shop but first I must populate it.
- I want to dedicate 2014 to making boxes. I get such enjoyment out of making them. Maybe this will correspond with resolutions # 2 and #17. I would like to average two boxes per month.
- I want to collaborate with other artists.
- I would like to make one book per month.
- I want to attend Penland/PBI or a craft vacation this year.
- I want to get to 10% Body Fat
- I want to get my sewing machine serviced and sew more. Maybe even take a sewing class.
- I want to watch less porn--there, I said it--OUT LOUD.
- I want to watch less TV.
- I want to save more money--maybe participate in the 52 week challenge that has been on the internet.
- I want to purchase fewer materials and use the materials that I have before buying anything new or duplicated. I want to use up my stash materials.
- I want to better organize my studio.
- I want to donate more unused materials
- I want to sell/donate cutoffs of paper and card stock.
Wow, you have so many great goals for the new year! I'm already working on this year's advent calendar project, how funny is that. I'm also going to work on a language, though I'm learning Dutch, just because I'm crazy!