Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Christmas Cards Swap Bot

Option One for Outer card

This year, I signed up for several swap-bot Christmas card exchanges. I continued a tradition that started several years ago. I purchase holiday cards without a sentiment inside the card. I print out my own greeting and then use it as an insert inside the blank card. I tie the insert with holiday butcher's string to attach it to the card. I have always been concerned with the lack of recycling of holiday cards. While some of my crafty friends will find some way to re-purpose the card, many people will just throw them away or, if  I'm lucky, recycle them.

By using this insert method, the recipient can then re-use the card the following year by removing the insert and putting the card in a standard A2 envelope.  This year, there were two options for the outer card--an ornament or a Noel card.

Added insert
As an added bonus, I also include a small card and envelope from Papyrus. My rationale is this--if I am allowed one ounce to use for a Forever postage stamp, why not send one ounce of material. With the added card and envelope, I was still well under the one ounce limit. There were also two options for the additional card--a Christmas tree made of stars or a snowflake.

Option One for added card
Option Two for outer card
Option Two for added card
Two notes:
One--when tying the insert to the outer card, you have the option of having the bow on the outside or inside of the card. While I prefer to have the bow on the outside of the card, because I was mailing these card, I wanted to make sure that the knot and bow wouldn't interfere with the sorting machine that the post office uses. The added bulk of having the know on the outside of the card can add additional bulk that might get snagged in the machine.

Two--because many people sign up for multiple Christmas card swaps, there are chances that you will get a repeated swap partner. This is the main reason why there were two options for each choice of outer and additional card. In the past, I had one partner get incensed that I had the gall to send a duplicate card to her during a Christmas swap.

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