Friday, September 15, 2017

Day 15--30 Day Coloring Challenge

This is the back of yesterday's envelope. I love sunflowers. I needed a nice large image so I could get this in the mail quickly. This was outlined in a Micron pen which allowed me to work quicker. When I use a Sharpie to outline something, I wait at least a half day before coloring it in (unless I use another Sharpie product). If I plan on using Tombow or Copic markers, I wait a day.

Of course, I can't do anything simply--even if most people will never realize. The seeds were done with three colors that were layered. I am still learning how to blend colors but these manila envelopes do not provide a good blending surface.

I used two colors for the leaves and three colors for the petals. Overall, I really like the way that this turned out.

Here is a little trick I have learned since I decorate a lot of envelopes. If I need to test colors, I use the underside of the envelope flap so see how steadfast the colors are on that particular style of envelope. Since it will be sealed, no one will ever see the color swatches.

 I usually send out white envelopes but since I knew that I was going to use this sunflower stencil, I decided to let the envelope color work in my favor by provide a good base color.

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