Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Iron Craft 2015 Challenge #6--Noon Rise/Noon Set

Front Cover

For this Iron Craft Challenge, I decided to create a coloring book for myself from start to finish. I have always enjoyed coloring and find the zen like feeling of doodling and coloring very satisfying. I don't think that I have ever created a book for myself from start to finish. I have used some of my own books after they were completed but never truly designed a book for my personal pleasure.

This is a mandala style design. The front and back covers are different because the book can be viewed two different ways. With the orange side facing up, it depicts the rising of the sun (i.e, Noon Rise). The first page indicates moonlight, the second page indicates the sun rising to midday, and the last page indicates the sun at high noon.

With the blue side facing up, the book represents the setting of the sun (i.e, Noon Set). The first page indicates the sun at high noon, the second page represents the sun beginning to set, and the third page represents the setting of the sun into moonlight.


Rising/Setting Sun

High Noon

Back Cover

Noon Rise
Noon Set