Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Iron Craft 2014 Challenge #22--Obi Paper Rings (Project 44)

This challenge was another color challenge and we are tasked to be inspired by the autumnal colors of red and orange. There were a variety of different projects that I was considering but I was asked to make some goody bags for a friend's holiday party for children (of which, some had food allergies). I decided to make some dollar rings after watching this video (clicking on the link will take you to a YouTube video).

Deciding that these rings weren't enough, I decided to make some more rings using Japanese Decorative Papers. These rings could be customized to fit my big fat Fred Flinstone fingers and since I didn't have to worry about framing the "one" from the dollar bill, I could make them any size I wanted.

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I had these papers that featured Japanese Maple leaves which are a symbol of the changing seasons in Japan. There are some metallic elements in the paper that make them shimmer. I also decided to make a ring featuring Kat's favorite plaid paper (which also matches my light switch cover in my bathroom).

I made a whole bunch of these rings and actually wear them on my ring finger on my left hand. I call these Obi Rings since they resemble the obi (sash) that is used to fastened a kimono.

Image found here

1 comment:

  1. Those are really cool. I can't imagine getting such neat folds at that size. I struggled with my folds this week on a much bigger size.
