Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Iron Craft 2014 Challenge #9--Mondrian Card (Project 18)

Mondrian Artwork

For Iron Craft Challenge #9, we were asked to created something inspired by art. I have always been a fan of Piet Mondrian--the father of the color block concept. I knew what I wanted to do--I just didn't know in what format to work. I though about doing a canvas and acrylic painted piece. I thought about doing a paper cutout mini-poster using scrapbook solid paper.

I put the project on the back burner. As I was cleaning up my studio from a previous project, I decided to remove all of the paper scraps from my guillotine. Usually, I sort them into color families and file the pieces into an accordion folder for later use. The problem that I have with sorting is that I never know when to stop and throw away some of the smaller pieces.

That was when the light bulb went on. I collected the smaller pieces (those usually less than an inch wide) and started to think a la Mondrian. I came up with the following card.

Mondrian inspired card

All of the papers used in this project are from Rhonda Miller who I have mentioned on many occasions on this blog. I was so happy to be able to use the smaller scraps to make this card. The only problem is that I will hoard even more paper and will eventually never throw any paper scraps away.

I mean, really--how small is too small?

1 comment:

  1. Lol, sounds like papercrafters have the same issue as fabric and yarn folks. Seriously, how small a scrap or fabric should I save, I might want it for an applique. Or less than a yard of yarn, that could be an embroidered eye.
