Tuesday, October 8, 2013

31 Days of Halloween--Day 8; Iron Craft Challenge #20--Papel Picado

Today's post is doing double duty since it will apply to my 8th day of my 31 Days of Halloween and the 20th Iron Craft Challenge. The theme for this challenge was "black" and was somewhat related to Halloween (a continuation from the last challenge).

I knew that I wanted to do a paper cut and knew of the Papel Picado tradition in Mexico that celebrates the Day of the Dead which is All Hallow's Eve. Traditionally, these paper cuts decorate the homes and grave sites of those people who have died. The celebration allows for the care of the grave site and to remember those who have passed.

Usually, the pictures are strung together in a banner style and many times the individual paper cuts denote separate scenes. Instead, I chose to duplicate the same scene three times. The image was found on the internet after visiting studiolongoria.com.

Individual Detail
Once the image was finalized, it took me about 2 hours to cut out all of the panels and to assemble them together.

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