Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Decorating 2

There were to decorations that I wanted to spend a little bit more time discussing on how easy it really is to take something simple and turn them into something special. I usually use these trick when decorating for Christmas but as luck would have it, I saw some really nice Halloween items that could be altered.
The first idea is to take something for one purpose and decorate it for the holidays. I always believe that a gift of decorating should leave them something that they can repurpose or reuse for the future holidays. In this case, I took a clear pumpkin cookie jar and filled it with Halloween items. Here are some glow in the dark stickers and eyeball bouncing balls. To fill up the jar, I flooded the bottom of the jar with flavored tootsie rolls. For Christmas decorating, I will use clear vases or bowls and fill them with decorative glass ornaments.
For the second idea, I found these glitter skulls on sale at Target and decided to give them a hair style by using Tootsie Pops and Blow Pops. These were a big hit and can easily be refilled since the holes are already in place.  This simply was nothing more than pushing the sticks into the Styrofoam heads. Once you start adding weight, you need to evening place the candy so that there aren't heave spots that then make the heads fall down. For Christmas, I usually use the Styrofoam trees, cover them in ribbon and put spiced gum drops (connected with toothpicks) as ornaments.

As you can see, these are really easy decorations but can transform something simple into something more fun. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort but just a little imagination.

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