Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not Lost. . . unless you consider my mess

Hello dear readers,

First of all, I want to thank you for all of your support during my legal quagmire. I was having a difficult time trying to still focus on the projects that were due, the legal commitments, and working at my regular jobs.

I am in full swing trying to get ready for Valentine's Day. I got behind and will sell fewer items this year but I don't mind. I still have many ideas that I will carry over until next year so I am not worried.

The biggest complaint that I have right now is that my apartment and my studio (the extra room) are a total mess. I have piles of everything spread around just waiting to be put away. It is driving me crazy but I can't get to it until the weekend. I have some wedding commissions that I need to work on and I refuse to do so until I get the studio and apartment cleaned.

There is some good news to share though:
  • I submitted a prospectus for a one-man show here in NYC. My submission is called "OCD Paper" and will feature paper products that are made from multiple, compulsive type manipulations. There were 75 submissions and it was narrowed down to five--of which, I am one of the five finalists. Two submissions will be chosen to be shown.
  • My accountant called and has finished the preliminary review of my taxes. Last year, I will have derived approximately 32% of my annual income from my crafting/creating which is the most I have made so far. I am very happy about this.
  • I had been commissioned to create a paper cutout wallpaper for a local florist to use in his window display here in NYC. I was then approached by a major craft design company to POSSIBLY design some paper products for them.

I promise that this weekend I will post some pictures of projects that are in progress. I simply need to get organized to be able to do so.

Once again, thank you for all of your support.

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