Saturday, September 19, 2009

Art Journal 1

Here is the first set of pages from my Art Journal. The photo on the left is the page as it began. I cut out letters for the word Envy and spray mounted them to the page. I then took black Gesso and covered both pages. I rubbed the most of the Gesso off before it dried. I then used watercolor crayons to lighten up the Gesso that was left over. I removed the letters to show the original background in the green color that I wanted to use.

I then pasted down four images of things that I want. I covered both pages with acrylic medium and placed a piece of white tissue over both pages. While still wet, I tore away the edges of the tissue. I then removed the tissue over the images. Once dry, I sanded both pages with very fine sandpaper to smooth the surface for writing.

I wrote about three of the items that I wanted in green sharpie in one direction. I then wrote in black Sharpie at a 90 degree angle for the fourth item.

The text reads:

"I am surprised at most of the things I want are physical: hair, blue eyes, and abs. I have always been infatuated with blue eyes. All I have are boring brown eyes. I wish that I could have six pack abs. I don't think that I am genetically predisposed to have them. Maybe I am just too lazy and it is easier to blame genetics. Finally, I wish that I had cool hair, a mohawk or a Pompadour. I want to spend money on hair product and a stylist.

One of the most important things that I would like is a child. I think that I would make a great father--if only the world would give me the chance. I am tired of being the cause of all things that are wrong with the world simply because I am gay. I want to be a father--not a pedophile. I do not have sex with animals. I would love to be able to walk down the street, holding hands with the man I love and not worry about getting beat up. I am envious of those who can show their love openly to those they love."


  1. Man, you need to move to Portland -- our mayor is gay (although he's got some troubles at the moment...) and guys and gals walk hand-in-hand down the streets all the time.

  2. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, your first page looks great. I love the textures you're able to create with all the different methods.

  3. Portland is a very gay friendly city. Maybe I will move there when I retire.

    Thanks for the compliments on the pages.

  4. Ya know - THANK YOU for sharing this. Gay does not equal pedophile!!! That notion drives me to insanity. I was molested my whole childhood by a heterosexual man ... and he is allowed to have children, etc. Well, actually Russ, there is nothing to say that you cant have a child. A good friend of mine adopted 2 boys from Russia ... as a single male. Just use the "Dont Tell" method!
